View Open Items

This chapter contains the following topic:

Introduction to View Open Items

View Open Items

View Distribution History


Introduction to View Open Items

The View open items selection enables you to examine A/P open items for specified vendors. An open item is any entry in Payables which has been posted but not yet paid.

From View open items you may select to see the distribution history for a specific voucher.

This feature is intended for rapid viewing of information, not for maintenance; so this selection is read-only data: entry is not allowed. There is one exception: notes can be both viewed and added using this selection.

View Open Items


View from the Open items menu.

A screen like the following appears:

View Open Items Button 



To exit the screen. You may also use the <Esc> key

Menu Selections

At the top left of the screen menu selections are available. Most of these are the same from screen to screen. If a menu selection is grayed out you will not be able to access it. The selections that are unique to this screen are explained here:

From this screen you can access additional information by selecting the Options menu and then selecting Viewing Vendor Invoices or Vendor notes.


View Open Items List Box

The upper list box lists up to 6 vendors at a time. You may sort the vendors by Vendor number or vendor name, both in ascending or descending order. Only column names in red may be sorted. Click on the column name or the arrow to the right of the column name to change the sort or use the View options.

Select the vendor whose open items you wish to view. The vendor must already be entered in Vendors. You may use one of the options to find the vendor:

<F1> or Down arrow

For the next vendor in vendor number sequence

<SF1> or Up arrow

For the previous vendor

<Page Down>

To move to the next group of vendors

<Page Up>

To move to the previous group of vendors


To move to the last vendor


To move to the first vendor

Upon selection of a vendor, the open items will display in the lower list box. If there are no open items for the selected vendor, the lower list box will have no data.

Each row in this list box represents a single open item, in order by voucher number. One screen can accommodate twelve open items and you can view more items with the function keys. A vendor total appears following the last open item.

Temporary vendors as well as regular vendors may be selected.

An ampersand ( & ) next to the Vendor totals field indicates that there is a note entered for this vendor.

Menu Selections

From this screen you can also select the following from the Options menu:

View Vendor invoices

To view history for the selected vendor

Vendor notes

To edit or add notes for the vendor

The columns are:


This is the voucher number.

Invoice #

This is the invoice number.

Invc date

This is the date of the invoice.

P.O #

This is the purchase order number.

Due Date

This is the due date.

Inv Balance

The invoice balance includes both discountable and non-discountable portions of the invoice amount and is the balance that remains to be paid.


Indicates partial payment

Disc Balance

The discount balance shows the discount amount that remains to be taken, though the validity of the discount is not considered at this point.

Net Due

The net balance is the invoice balance minus the discount balance, and shows the remainder to pay on each open item if the full discount balance is taken.


This is the reference associated with the voucher.

Vendor Totals:

At the bottom of the screen the open item totals display for invoice balance, discount balance and net due display for the vendor selected. If the vendor has notes an & symbol displays to the left of the Vendor Totals name.


Select from the following options:


For the next page of vouchers for this vendor. (if there is one)


For the previous page of vouchers for this vendor (if there is one)

Vendor info tab

To see more information about this vendor (details below)


To view or enter notes for this vendor. 

View distribution history

Select this button to view the history of the distributions for the selected voucher. See View Distribution History.

Vendor Info tab

For more information on the vendor rather than his open items, select the Vendor info tab. This tab looks something like the following for Vermont Metal Products:

Select the General tab to return to the view open item screen.

Vendor Notes

You may have any number of dated notes for a vendor.

Using character mode, for details on entering notes, refer to the Using Notes section of the Use of Function Keys, Tool Bar and Windows chapter in the System User documentation.


10 rows of 77 characters each

Open items information 

In character mode, there are some additional options for view more fields.

For more information on the open items shown, you can press <Enter>. This controls what appears in the central columns of the screen. There are three possible configurations, and each time you press <Enter> you cycle to the next configuration; the third time takes you go back to the initial configuration.






Press <Enter>:





Press <Enter>:





Press <Enter>:





View Distribution History

Distribution history provides a list of the accounts, amounts, journal number and the distribution date associated with the voucher. The fields display the associated invoice number and check number.


the View distribution history button from the Open items > View window.

A screen similar to the following will display:

Each row in this list box represents a single G/L account entry, in order by voucher number. One screen can accommodate ten account entries and you can view more items with the function keys. The details for the entry display in the fields at the bottom of the screen.


Distribution history will not be available after upgrading from an older system. PBS 11.7.9 and earlier versions, as well as RealWorld, do not have a distribution history. When there is no history the View Distribution History button will be grayed.


Select the account entry you wish to view. You may use one of the options:

<F1> or Down arrow

For the next account entry

<SF1> or Up arrow

For the previous account entry

<Page Down>

To move to the next group of account entries

<Page Up>

To move to the previous group of account entries


To move to the last account entry


To move to the first account entry


The columns are:

Distribution acct

This is the valid G/L account number.

Cash account

This is the cash account number. If there was no cash posted with the voucher, this field will be empty.


Indicates a correcting entry.


This amount of the distribution.


This is the reference for the distribution.

Jrnl #

This is the due date.

Dist date

This is the date of the distribution.

Distribution type

This is the type of distribution. The distribution types are:

Type Description
Expense Distribution An expense distribution
Transaction Added A vendor G/L account number
Check Amount Paid The Cash account
Discount Taken Discount taken on the invoice
Paid The offsetting vendor account and cash account


The fields at the bottom of the window are:


This is the voucher number

Invoice #

This is the invoice number associated with the distribution.

Check #

This is the check number. It will be populated when it was an immediate invoice.


This is the number associated with the distribution.

(Vendor name)

This is the vendor name associated with the distribution.


When finished viewing the distribution history, select the <Esc>key or click on the Exit button.